CQI-8 Training - Understanding Layered Process Audit Guidelines

If you would like to purchase a copy of the applicable standard or manual, please click here

Course Duration: 1 Day - 4-6 Hours/day

This one-day course provides attendees with an understanding of Layered Process Audits (LPA). Whether you are new to LPA or have implemented LPA in the past, this understanding will help you create LPAs that impact the Key Performance Indicators and to fine-tune your LPA to focus on value-add quality checks. Critical success factors for a value-add LPA include top management support, communication of value to employees, and impactful audits.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the and benefits of Layered Process Audits
  • Understand how to prepare and conduct a Layered Process Audit (LPA)
  • Understand that LPAs are a management tool to ensure and verify that processes and procedures are being followed as intended

Course Outline

  • Introduction to LPAs - IS and IS NOT
  • Value of the LPA as a Management Tool
  • Planning LPAS - A Function of Top Management
  • LPA Deployment
  • Conducting the Assessment
  • Top Manage Review of the Effectiveness of LPAs

Who Should Attend

Quality Managers, Quality Supervisors, Quality Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, Production Supervisors, Production Leaders, Quality Technicians, Maintenance Technicians, and anyone responsible for making quality improvements will benefit from this course.

Course Materials

Each participant will receive course material including an LPA scenario.

Note: Omnex does not provide copies of standard(s) during training courses, but clients are encouraged to have their own copy.


A basic understanding of Layered Process Audits is required.

Upcoming Training

CQI-8 Training - Understanding Layered Process Audit Guidelines Program is available in multiple locations globally, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, India, Europe, Thailand, Singapore, Middle East and China.