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Course Duration: 4 Days - 8 Hours/day
Omnex is an Exemplar Global Certified TPECS provider for Exemplar Global QM and AU Competency Units. This seminar fully covers the ISO 9001 requirements in addition to the requirements of AS9110C, which is the quality management standard for Aviation Maintenance organizations. Auditing topics from ISO 19011 such as the auditing process and methodologies, e. g. planning and conducting an audit, writing nonconformity statements, preparing an audit summary and report, and verifying corrective actions are also covered with a focus on AS9110C. Auditing case studies to develop skills for identifying nonconformities will be used. This is a 3 day class with exams on the 4th day.
Aerospace Process Approach Auditing has three main components – Process Auditing, Customer Focus and Leadership Auditing – each of which must follow the requirements laid out in AS9101F. This course will give instruction and guidance on conducting the Process Audit using the PEAR form and Turtle Diagrams, as well as other requirements specific to AS9101F.
Attendees who successfully pass the exams during this course will achieve a Certificate of Attainment for the following competency units:
· Exemplar Global QM
· Exemplar Global AU
Note: There is an additional AS9110C e-Learning module offered through IAQG which also must be completed to become an IAQG-certified aerospace auditor.
· Understand the application of Quality Management Principles in the context of ISO 9001 and/or AS9110.
· Relate the quality management system to the organizational products, including services, and operational processes.
· Understand the application of the principles, procedures and techniques of auditing.
· Understand the conduct of an effective audit in the context of the auditee’s organizational situation.
· Understand the application of the regulations, and other considerations that are relevant to the management system, and the conduct of the audit.
· Practice personal attributes necessary for the effective and efficient conduct of a management system audit.
Day One
· Introduction and Welcome
· The ISO 9000 & AS9110 Family of Standards Explained
· Introduction to ISO 9001 and AS9110
· ISO 9001 and AS9110 Requirements
o Group Exercise: Context of the Organization
o Group Exercise: Interested Parties
o Group Exercise: Audit Scenarios
Day Two
· ISO 9001 and AS9110 Requirements (cont’d)
o Group Exercise: Audit Scenarios
· AS9110 Quality Management Systems Exam
· Introduction to Turtle Diagrams and Audit Trails
· Management of Audit Programs
· Audit Planning and Preparation
o Breakout Exercise 1: Scope and Objectives
o Breakout Exercise 2: Documentation Review
o Breakout Exercise 3: Creating an Audit Plan
Day Three
· Performing the Audit
o Breakout Exercise 4: Performing an Audit
· Writing Nonconformity Statements
o Breakout Exercise 5: Writing Nonconformities
· Closing Meeting
· Completing the Audit Report
· Corrective Action and Closeout
Day Four
This seminar is designed for Management Representatives, AS9110C Implementation Teams, Internal Auditors and others who would like to develop judgment and decision-making in AS9110C and learn the auditing process for first, second, and third party auditors.
Each participant will receive a seminar manual and a breakout workbook that includes auditing case studies.
Note: Omnex does not provide copies of standard(s) during training courses, but clients are encouraged to have their own copy.
An extensive understanding of the AS9110C requirements and/or work experience in applying AS9110C is recommended.
AS9110C Internal Auditor Training for Aviation Maintenance Organizations Program is available in multiple locations globally, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, India, Europe, Thailand, Singapore, Middle East and China.
We are proud to announce that Omnex Inc. is now a member of Andersen Consulting.